
Finding focus in Photography

For a while I have been toying with painting and sculpture in addition to my photography but as a keen amateur artist I have limited time. With the pressures of running a business by day, I don't have the time to do it all and so something has to give.

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24 hours in Truro and Falmouth

Here a short time-lapse I did over the period of a day looking out of my studio window and from a couple of locations I visited during the day.

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Notes on How Art Made the World – Once Upon a Time 4/5

In this BBC series from 2004, Dr Nigel Spivey investigates everything from cave paintings to ceramics, pyramids to palaces and icons to artifacts across five continents and 100,000 years of history. Although this one isn't available online, you can rent it from LoveFilm (or Netflix) and failing that, it is available in Amazon UK and Amaz...

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Notes on How Art Made the World – Art of Persuasion 3/5

In this BBC series from 2004, Dr Nigel Spivey investigates everything from cave paintings to ceramics, pyramids to palaces and icons to artifacts across five continents and 100,000 years of history. Although this one isn't available online, you can rent it from LoveFilm (or Netflix) and failing that, it is available in Amazon UK and Amaz...

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Artists that have the Midas touch and strippers underwear

I just read an interesting article on Carrie Brummer's blog about how art is defined by a few elite gatekeepers. Carrie argues that we are all to blame, as we allow this elite to dictate what is art. Instead, we should engage in that arts and make these decision ourselves. Carrie makes a good point and certainly if we are to ...

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